Monday, March 14, 2011

What to do?

So the problem is: Should I go to the clothing party or should I say home tonite? I accepted an invitation last week to a clothing party that one of my friends is hosting tonite. It sounds like fun but I don't want to go.

First of all we're broke from spending all our money on fertility treatments and I look and feel like crap from all of the meds I'm on. I've gained weight, my clothes don't fit right, I can't stop sweating, and I'm dizzy. The biggest problem though is that alot of the people going have new babies. I don't have anything against the new babies or the new mommies but I want to cry everytime I think about seeing them. Why do they get to have a baby and I don't? And most of them got pregnant on accident or on the first try. What the hell! I mean really.

So I'm going to stay home. I don't want to have to go into the whole story again and have all of the people shoot me those looks of pity. My wallet and all of the guests will thank me later.

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