Friday, March 11, 2011

Giving up infertility for Lent

Every year my family attempts at giving up something for Lent. No we are not Catholic but it just seems like the least we could do, you know. Most years I give up something food or drink related like sugar, bread, caffine, alcohol ...... all the hard stuff. Then I wait impatiently for 40 days and 40 nights until I can return to normal life.

So back story, I've becomed obsessed with being infertile. I never thought I would join those numbers or ever consider my self infertile but I have finally owned up to it and admit: "Hello my name is Becky and I am infertile." I love to read the infertility blogs. They say everything that I am thinking, they make me chuckle, and they are oddly comforting knowing that someone else out there is in the same boat that I am.

I have really great friends here in Carrollton where we live and through PT school who don't (unknowingly) throw it in my face daily that they have kids and I don't. I'm always invited to kids birthday parties and mommy and me get togethers and weekend cookouts with families. I mean, I'm an extra set of eyes anyway right! They always ask where we are in our fertility process and never, ever say "just relax, it will happen." But I know I am becoming slightly irriating with all my medical problems, surgeries and medicine protocol.

So this Lent I am giving up infertility. For the next 40 days, I declare that I am fertile. I am still taking my medicine for our IVF cycle this month (I need all the help I can get you know) but I am going to try to give up all the negative thoughts and obsession. Hopefully I can contribute to conversations without unknowingly bringing up the fact that I feel like crap, hormonal, hungery and bloated. The least I can do is try, right?

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