Monday, May 16, 2011

Being Bitter

Don't you hate to be bitter? Lately it seems that I am bitter more often than not. I mean it's only in my head but even then I feel like such a bad person.

So this girl I know says that she is planning on getting pregnant this October and in my head I say "really, really that is going to happen!" I don't want her not to get pregnant because I wouldn't wish this on anyone but I think she should know the reality of things. Shouldn't someone tell her the reality of getting pregnant so she doesn't get her heart broken month after month. But she may be the one percent of women I secretly hate who do get pregnant whenever they want! Why is life so unfair?

I'm trying to enjoy this childless time (like everyone with kids tells us to do) but I feel like I have enjoyed my time and am ready to move forward. But I'm still on the same roller coaster of ups and downs I've been on for the last 6 years. I'm starting to get motion sickness and dizzy on this ride. I'm ready for the kiddy ride already.

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