Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ahh friends, what would we do without them?

After a long summer of recovering from the devestating miscarriage and recovering mentally, physically and financially from the life changing blow, I have realized how important friends are and how small the world really is.
Let me clarify at the beginning that I love my friends although I'm not very good at showing it. These friends include all my friends, even the those that I haven't talked to in years and by years I mean 15-20 years. I have come to understand more and more every day that having friends is so important.
I am a bad friend and I have said that on this blog and in my head almost every day. My mind is always running and believe it or not I think about random friends every day. A smell or song or situation will trigger the strangest memory and someone I haven't thought about in years will pop into my head. Luckily we have facebook and I can look that person up and reconnect without even making a phone call or speaking to that person (again I am a bad friend.)
Through my infertility/fertility journey I have gotten in touch with and connected with so many new and old friends. I have run into friends from high school in the reproducive endocrinologist office, instant messaged with sisters of friends and received supportive e-mails, messages and letters from relatives, college friends and new friends randomly on good and bad days.
Let me tell you that these friends and messages have kept me from giving up all together and sliding into a deep depression. So let me say, I love you all, thank you for being my friend and thank you for your continued support during my neediness. It's time to move to the next step. Here we go!