Saturday, March 24, 2012

Oh well!

Well we failed. We were successful in getting pregnant but found out at our 8 week ultrasound that the fetus stopped growing at 6 weeks and did not have a heartbeat. We were devestated but we both agreed that we were in pins and needles waiting for something bad to happen. We were waiting until 12 weeks to tell anyone so luckily we didn't have to untell anyone. My hormones are finally back under control but I'm still a bit sensitive and tear up at unexpected things. The big question is what next? I was watching Juno the other day and it made me think outside the box about having a baby. Our options of having our own have almost disappeared and we have no money to adopt so I was thinking foster to adopt or ....hmmm maybe going to a unplanned pregnancy center and putting up an ad. "Unfertile mom looking for baby" Is that too desperate?

Sunday, February 5, 2012


So life. It's so rare I think. For so long we have tried to create life without success. After tons of spent money and pain causing shots we are on the brink again. Will we (along with our doctor) create life? Well, Jason and I will know tomorrow and everyone else will find out in April. Wish us luck!